"Not getting Job", how to keep myself motivated?

The job search can be frustrating and we all have gone through this phase at least once in our life. Probably as a fresh graduate or a professional or while switching jobs we all do a job search. It’s not an easy task at all and the whole process of finding a job can be tedious and hard on mental health as well. 


Negative thoughts and demotivation can be quite obvious phenomena. Because you have to go through a lot of disappointment and rejections in the whole process of job search. 


Here are a few tips that might help you in coping with all the frustrations that are you go through:


Make a schedule-

Searching for a job requires planning. You can’t just randomly surf the internet and you will get a job. You have to make a full-proof plan and make a list of all the websites, apps, and companies that are hiring. 


Keep tracking-

Keeping track of your applications will help you in being selective. Otherwise, you will feel overwhelmed. 


Work on yourself-

While searching for a job you need to work on yourself also. You have to keep your CV and cover letter updated. Also, keep checking your social media profiles and keep updating them. Work on your personality development so that you can ace the interview. 


Stay active on your social media-

Social media has both pros and cons. Ironically, if you are looking for a job then you need to be active on social media. Networking with the right people will help you a lot. 


Stay physically active-

The job search can be hectic and frustrating so involving in sports or doing yoga or exercise can help you relieve stress. 


Be patient-

Finding the right job is a long and time-consuming process. You have to be patient while doing so. Don’t take anything personally and accept the rejections. Feedback will help you improve so don’t get offended by it. You can try meditation to keep your mind focussed and calm.


Take professional help-

Taking professional help is okay. You can talk to people working in different companies and ask for their advice. You can try cold emailing prospective companies and their HR. 


Read books-

Reading is a great source of learning new things. It will help you in your job as well as in changing your mindset. You can read books related to your profession or self-help books for motivation. You can try fiction also if you want to break from your usual job search process. 


The bottom line is that job search is a phase of your life, not your whole life. So don’t get involved too much in it that you forget to live. Take it as a goal or target and work on it religiously. 




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